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Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the school are to nurture all-round development of the pupils and to bring them up healthy in mind and body. Apart from encouraging academic excellence, great attention is paid to tone up moral spirit and discipline. This is to ensure that pupils develop into youths of character, integrating the personal and social dimension of life. Acquiring habits of order and cleanliness and finding in themselves the qualities of humanity and compassion.

The Curriculum

The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum which is designed to match the educational needs of children within the requirements of the WBBSE & WBCHSE Examinations.

A carefully planned academic syllabus ensure that the child enjoys the years spent in learning and discovery and acquires a sound understanding of concepts in mathematics, science and technology, languages, History, Geography, the arts personal social instruction is English and atmosphere in school campus is fully in English.

Smart students Smart Classes

Technology enabled smart class rooms are yet another leap in importing quality education to students in schools, from Nursery to 12th classes, which enables the students to learn, understand and grasp various subjects. It results in helping students gain a better understanding of difficult Curriculum concepts in the class, resulting in their improved academic performance in school. Our children enjoy these classes.


To prepare children in a systematic manner and to help them cope up with stress resulting from examination comprehensive mechanism has been developed to ensure continuous evaluation system.

The promotion of a child depends on his achievements in the final examination as well as based on the weekly test and all terminal examination. A pupil who fails to perform up to the academic standards set by the school in two consecutive sessions is not allowed to continue his/her studies at the school.


Students can be withdrawn or removed from the school as under:

By giving one month’s notice in writing. In absence of such a notice, one month’s fee will be charged.

By the School authorities on one of the following grounds :

Constant weakness in studies.

Irregularity in attendance.

Non-payment of fee or chronic irregularly in payment.

Moral breach considered serious by the school committee.

For withdrawal within a week from the date of declaration of results, no T. Fee will be charged. After the expiry of this date, annual charges + T. Fee for the months from April up to the date of submission of application for withdrawal will be charged. In addition, a certain fee for issuing a School Leaving Certificate. So please take the transfer certificate as you decide to leave the school.

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